If you are unable to rotate the template when in Orbit View but other functions are normal, this will be because of your Mouse and/or Trackpad settings.
You will also more than likely be using a trackpad or magic mouse on Mac although if Windows touchpad, review these settings also.
1. Apple> System Preferences.
2. Select Trackpad
3. Ensure that Secondary Click - Click with two fingers, is enabled.
Once corrected, you will be able to right-click and drag the template to rotate.
Apple's mouse also uses many of the same multi-touch gestures as the trackpad, but essentially, where you click on the Apple Magic Mouse determines the kind of click you are performing.
Right-clicking on an Apple Magic Mouse is actually pretty intuitive - you can actually click on the right of the mouse.
If this doesn't work then you will need to set it up in System Preferences.
- Apple > System Preferences
- Select Mouse.
- Click Point & Click.
- In SECONDARY CLICK choose Click on right side
Once corrected, you will be able to right-click and drag the template to rotate.
You will not need to use your keyboard Ctrl button at all with either Trackpad or Magic Mouse on Mac
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